Maharana Pratap Biography In English - History of Bharat

Maharana Pratap - महाराणा प्रताप 

Maharana Pratap (1540–1597) was a ruler of the Indian princely state of Mewar, in the present-day state of Rajasthan. 

Early Life:

As a child, Pratap was trained in various martial arts and was given education in subjects like history, economics, and politics. In 1562, Pratap's father Udai Singh II died, and his younger brother Jagmal Singh was crowned as the king of Mewar. However, Jagmal was not a capable ruler, and his rule was marked by corruption and incompetence. As a result, he was deposed, and Pratap was crowned as the king of Mewar in 1572.

Battles and Wars:

After his ascension to the throne, Pratap faced several challenges from the Mughal Empire, which was expanding its territory in northern India. In 1576, the Mughal Emperor Akbar attacked Mewar with a large army, and Pratap led his troops to defend his kingdom. The two armies clashed in the Battle of Haldighati, which lasted for four hours. Though Pratap's army was outnumbered, they fought with great courage, and Pratap himself led the charge on Akbar's army. The battle ended in a stalemate, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. After the Battle of Haldighati, Pratap continued to resist the Mughal Empire and engaged in several guerrilla wars against them. He moved his capital to the remote and rugged hills of Chittorgarh and continued to fight for his kingdom's independence. His guerrilla warfare tactics were so effective that the Mughals were unable to defeat him.

Haldighati - हल्दीघाटी 

Later Life and Death:

In 1597, Pratap died at the age of 57 due to injuries sustained in a hunting accident. He was succeeded by his son Amar Singh I.


Maharana Pratap is remembered as a great warrior and a symbol of resistance against foreign invaders. He is considered a hero in Rajasthan and is celebrated in folk songs and stories. His bravery and determination have been the subject of numerous films and television shows. In 1964, a statue of Maharana Pratap was installed at Haldighati to commemorate his heroism. Additionally, he is remembered for his unwavering commitment to his people and his kingdom.

( Legend,History of Bharat ,history,Maharana Pratap Biography In English )

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